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A painting of a young woman taking a siesta. Boss Gx 700 Service Manual. ( The hammock, (1844).) A siesta ( Spanish pronunciation: ) (Spanish, meaning 'nap') is a short taken in the early afternoon, often after the midday. Super Mario Text Download Mac.
Dr House Saison 8 Torrent Download more. Such a period of is a common tradition in some countries, particularly those where the weather is warm. The siesta is historically common throughout the and. It is the traditional daytime sleep of and, through Spanish influence, the, and many countries. The word siesta of the derives originally from the word hora sexta 'sixth hour' (counting from dawn, hence 'midday rest'). Siesta is also common in (there called riposo, pisolino), where museums, churches and shops close during midday so that proprietors can go home for a long lunch and perhaps a snooze during the day’s hottest hours. 's describes the emperor's summertime siestas: 'In summer, after his midday meal, he would eat some fruit and take another drink; then he would remove his shoes and undress completely, just as he did at night, and rest for two or three hours.' Factors explaining the geographical distribution of the modern siesta are high temperatures and heavy intake of food at the midday meal.