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/A name given to a character by fan communities. It is sometimes possible to read an entire forum about a show and never see a direct reference to the character's scripted name. A natural result if the producers. Sometimes fan communities give nicknames to entire groups of characters, if the series doesn't already give a name.
Fans often use [Main Character]- tachi, or 'the group associated with [Main Character]'. Another option is - gumi, meaning [Main Character]'s (metaphorical) troop.: -tachi, -gumi, etcetera. Note that these aren't specifically limited to characters.
Common sets, props, and special effects can also earn nicknames from the fans. Even (parts of) the series itself can be referred to with a nickname. Works suffering from syndrome often have a fan nickname to avoid confusion. Also, in series that, the first is often nicknamed with a when it officially doesn't have it. Tutorial Para Crear Paginas Web Html. See also, (when the characters do this), (a sub-trope), and (a sub-trope). Not to be confused with, which are names for the communities themselves.
Actual canon nicknames used onscreen, however witty, also don't count, unless they were as a to the fans, or are used far more extensively in the fandom than in. Also compare, which is a Fan Nickname applied to a nameless hero who was given that name in adaptations. Was a fertile breeding ground for nicknames during its heyday. • has a variety of nicknames that include (but are not limited to) Captain Fine, Berkeley Nopapz, and most hilariously, Princess Whitelaw. • 's fans call him Fassy (he knows that and he's fine with it). • 's name is sometimes spelled as 'Huge Ackman.' • is an interesting example.
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When he's a in a specific state of being, many fans tend to use the suffix 'batch' following an adjective. For instance, if he has his natural reddish hair color, they may refer to him as Gingerbatch. If he is acting in a nerdy/awkward sort a way? He's Dorkybatch. If a fan is referring to a specific body part of Benedict or something else that he owns, fans use the prefix 'cumber'. Examples of this include cumberfeet, cumberjeans, and cumberbum. • There are also a number of his fans that refer to him as either 'Benny' or 'the 'Batch'.