Install Tcl Package Centos
Installation of Tcl This package is also installed in LFS during the bootstrap phase. As it is not installed during Chapter 6 of LFS, installation instructions are included here in BLFS. Command Explanations $([ $(uname -m) = x86_64 ] && echo --enable-64bit): This switch is used to enable 64 bit support in Tcl on 64 bit operating systems.
This tutorial is very similar to Installing and Configuring Environment Modules on CentOS 5 and the steps are very similar for CentOS 6 except that the tcl/tk 8.5.x used in CentOS repository does not have which is needed when you compile the Modules packages. I used 8.4.x which is similar to. Tcl - Tool Command Language, pronounced tickle. Distribution: CentOS 6. Repository: CentOS i386. Package name: tcl. Package version: 8.5.7. Package release: 6.el6. Package architecture: i686. Package type: rpm. Installed size: 4.32 MB. Download size: 1.92 MB. Official Mirror: The Tcl (Tool Command. In this article we will show how to install and use Python 3.6.3 in CentOS 7 and Debian 9/8 with core language tools that can be used in the Linux command line. Install PostgreSQL 9 on CentOS. This post will cover installing and basic configuration of PostgreSQL 9.x on CentOS. We will install PostgreSQL 9 using the PostgreSQL.
Make install-private-headers: This command is used to install the Tcl library interface headers used by other packages if they link to the Tcl library. Ln -v -sf tclsh8.6 /usr/bin/tclsh: This command is used to create a compatibility symbolic link to the tclsh8.6 file as many packages expect a file named tclsh. Sed -e.: The Tcl package expects that its source tree is preserved so that packages depending on it for their compilation can utilize it. Vinnie Moore Hot Licks Pdf. These sed remove the references to the build directory and replace them with saner system-wide locations.