Thrill Seeking Serial Killers
*photo by bluehalonickls Incredibly, there are people who kill simply for excitement. Killing others gives them an adrenaline rush similar to what you or I might receive from a roller coaster ride or a haunted house. Such individuals are usually psychopaths so they rarely, if ever, suffer remorse for their murders.
Jun 10, 2017. Thrill Seeker Serial Killers. As heinous as it sounds there is actually people that kill others for the thrill. Thrill seekers are usually trying to outsmart the law as some sort of amusement. They keep detailed records of their killings, and they can be unorganized and organized serial killers. Thrill seekers serial. Hedonistic - They seek thrills and derive pleasure from killing, seeing their victims as expendable means to achieve this goal. So far, there have been three sub-types of the hedonistic killer: Lust - They are primarily motivated by sex, whether the victims are alive or dead, and their fantasies play a large role in their killings. If you have ever ridden a roller coaster, and enjoyed it, after you catch your breath you wanna go again. In a serial killers mind, the breath catching is the so called cooling off period, and then the wanna kill again. Ts View Digital Imaging Software Download. Serial killers are literally addicted to killing, it is like a drug for them, and the follow the compulsion to get more.
Serial killers of this variety are defined as hedonist thrill killers (1). Israel Keyes, the disturbed army veteran, who stalked and killed eight people across several states prior to his capture and in Alaska in December 2012, is the most recent example of this type of serial predator. The victims of a thrill killer are generally strangers, although the killer may stalk them for a period of time before the attack in order to fuel the excitement of the hunt. As explained by Peter Vronsky in his book Serial Killers: The Method and Madness of Monsters, thrill killers derive intense satisfaction from the process of murder—that is, the acts leading up to it—rather than the killing itself.
They come to crave the euphoric adrenaline rush provided by stalking and capturing their victims. The primary motive of thrill killers is to induce pain or terror in their victims prior to killing them which provides intense stimulation and excitement (2). Stalking and hunting their prey becomes an for them much like a narcotic drug. Normally, the attack of a thrill killer is swift and there is generally no sexual aspect to the murder. Once the victim is dead, a thrill killer typically loses interest in him/her almost immediately. Therefore, postmortem mutilation or necrophilia is rarely engaged in by this type of serial killer. This pattern represents a stark contrast to hedonist lust killers such as the infamous Jeffrey Dahmer who to engage in postmortem sexual activities (3).
Perhaps the ultimate hedonist thrill killer was the unidentified predator who called himself “Zodiac” and operated in Northern California during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Zodiac terrorized the San Francisco Bay Area and aggressively tormented his pursuers throughout his spree. Rust Cracked How To Join Server.
He targeted four men and three women between the ages of sixteen and twenty-nine in the San Francisco area from December 1968 until October 1969. Five of his victims died and two were injured in the attacks. He finally stopped killing for unknown reasons and his remains a mystery. Free Download Material Library 3ds Max 9 Service on this page.
The killer gave himself the name Zodiac in a series of taunting letters that he sent to local newspapers in the Bay Area. The tremendous excitement that the Zodiac Killer derived from his murders is evident in the words contained in one of his letters. He wrote, '[Killing people] is so much fun. It's even better than killing wild game in the forest because man is the most dangerous animal. To kill gives me the most thrilling experience. It is even better than getting your rocks off with a girl.'