Texas A
Most DSHS Offices and departments are closed December 25 and 26 and January 1 and 2. To get the most up to date information about DSHS offices subscribe to our. If you are need a record from vital statistics, you can.
Texas A&M University-San Antonio, where dreams become reality! Texas A&M University-Commerce is a four year university offering more than one hundred courses of study from 26 academic departments.
Records you can order online are: • Birth Certificate or Verification • Death Certificate or Verification • Marriage Verification • Divorce Verification. The holidays are a time to embrace family and food. See Electrical V7r1 Serial Number. But in Texas we also must also embrace mosquito-borne disease prevention. Mosquitos can breed year-round due to our warmer climate and spread diseases like Zika and West Nile. You should protect yourself from bites and prevent mosquito breeding.
Prevent Mosquito Breeding • Keep gutters clear of debris and standing water. • Change water in pet dishes daily. • Rinse and scrub vases and other indoor water containers weekly. • Cover trash containers.
• Screen rain barrels and openings to water tanks or cisterns. Seagate Disk Repair Tools. Protect Yourself from Mosquito Bites • Wear Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents.
• Cover up with long-sleeved shirts and long pants. • Keep mosquitoes out with intact window screens.
Learn more: • •. As you get together with friends and family for the holidays, it’s a great time to take precautions against the flu. To keep the flu away: • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer. • Cover your coughs and sneezes.
• Stay home if you’re sick. Creative Ev1938 Sound Driver Windows 7 Free Download. • Have a plan to care for sick family members at home. Flu is a serious health risk. The flu usually peaks between December and January.
So it’s not too late to get your flu shot. The shot is your best defense again the flu. We urge everyone six months old and older to get vaccinated.
Use the to find where to get a flu shot in your area.. Last updated December 18, 2017. Search for jobs at DSHS DSHS is committed to hiring skilled and dedicated employees who will work hard to pursue our vision of a healthy Texas. If you are looking to make a difference and tackle new challenges, we encourage you to start a career with us. Employment opportunities at DSHS are listed in the. You can also use this site to search all current openings within other HHS agencies.
If you find a job posting that interests you, you can apply for the position by creating a profile and completing an online State of Texas application. By creating a profile, the application will remain on file for your future use so you can update your profile or application information, or you can apply to other jobs. The Job Center also allows you to view and track the status of your submitted applications online.