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So, the first time someone said it. I just blew it off.
Figured the kid didnt recognize the SSL software on my screen right in front of him.he probably got SSL & VDJ mixed up. So, last Saturday. At my residency. Kid pops in the booth.went like this: +'nice. Serato.how do you like it' -Love it. +yeah.I had the offline player for a while then my boy got me a cracked serial.
- Oh, you mean virtual dj? You can crack serato now.video too -thats news to me.I was pretty sure it was un-crackable.and if it isnt when you goto update it it wont work eventually. Theres like 10 of us all using it, its fine. All on 1.9.2 I was kind of shell-shocked. I really didnt know what to say.
I was pretty sure the boys had this crack proof, and repeat serials wouldnt work. Of course, in the realm of DJs (some of the biggest shit-talking one-uppers ever) it could have been just that.shit talking. Next time you see him throw a sl1 right at his face and say the serato community hate you and your cracked video sl go out and buy it mother fucker you tell him that from dj deluchi of the UK serato products rule i will pay for that no problem and i hate paying for anything i dont have to excluding music if it is cracks it means that douche bag is taking away business from serato and rane and means future updates wont have as much financial backing meaning the stuff we want serato to have will take longer to come sorry to go over the top but dicks like that really fuck me off. Quote: It SOUNDS LIKE what this guy is saying is that someone has developed a crack that makes the SL1 / SL3 / TTM57 NOT neccessary. How can a software crack take the place of hardware? How can they connect their turntables or CDJs to their laptop? I guess an expensive midi device could control SSL via USB, but the people who own such things generally have enough $ to buy SSL.
I'm sure the Serato team isn't too worried - even if such a crack exists, there can't be that many people with the knowhow and hardware to make it worth it. Quote: It SOUNDS LIKE what this guy is saying is that someone has developed a crack that makes the SL1 / SL3 / TTM57 NOT neccessary. Thats kinda what I had interpreted. I HOPE the boys at SSL are aware, if in fact that is the case. I so monday-morning-quarterbacked the whole conversation. Radio Mirchi Naved Titanic Download. Shoulda said, coulda said.next time.
But I just blew it off as a lark, I usually get 2+ 'djs' a night coming to the mezzanine to tell me about themselves. Im sure its a matter of time b4 someone comes up with that cock & bull story again. I really dont think you can crack a audio port, or whatever it is the other programs use for timecodes. Quote: or he has the sl1,sl3 or the 57 and they have cracked the video software that sucks cause it means serato is losing £200 for each install Yeah, I hear ya - I just don't think its a huge deal if its the case. The teenager who dls the cracked video upgrade is probably not a serious DJ anyway, probably takes shitty audio and video off limewire and mixes in his bedroom, and wouldn't have bought VSSL anyway.
With moderate deterrents on the upgrades, they should be able to make it inconvenient enough that it doesn't become widespread. The jackasses wasting their time on cracked versions are not serious DJs I guarantee you. Again, I think we're imagining this to be bigger than it is. Joshua Carl - what hardware interface was he using?
If I were Serato, I'd let those dummies crack the software and play around with INT mode - you know after a couple weeks of that they're going to get frustrated and pony up for the box. As for video, maybe they need better security on the serial #s - again, should be able to address this in the next update if there is a security issue. Maybe a USB key for video like some programs have? I know they're not infallible, but an iLok type dongle would make it harder for pirates. Rather than get into a software security battle, maybe they should stick to hardware solutions, which seems to have worked just fine so far. Yeah.I really didnt get enough info to make any kind of case like i said. Elegance Jc 5428 Manual Arts.