Quick Read Fluency Program For Schools
Amazon.com: QuickReads: A Research-Based Fluency Program Level F Book 1 (065): MODERN CURRICULUM PRESS: Books. MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach® (MVRC) is an effective online reading program that improves reading abilities. It permits students with diverse skills and unique.
Maltego Trial License For 7. MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach Specs Virtual Reading Coach assesses reading abilities with MindPlay’s Universal Screener, develops an individualized syllabus for every student, and provides differentiated instruction and mastery-based activities. Diagnostic assessments, progress monitoring results, and student performance determine lesson assignments. The program first develops proficiency in phonological awareness and phonics skills, as needed. Students are then also assigned lessons in vocabulary, grammar, silent reading fluency and comprehension. Improvement in comprehension and fluency are simultaneous goals. Comprehensive instructional components include: • assessment via MindPlay’s Universal Screener program • phonemic awareness • phonics • vocabulary • grammar for meaning • comprehension strategies • silent reading fluency Interactive activities help students stay focused and accelerate progress, while working at their own pace to achieve 100% mastery. Students benefit from: • direct, explicit and systematic instruction • tiered instruction and remediation • virtual reading specialists and speech pathologists • self-paced and mastery-based learning and achievement • immediate and specific feedback.