Kx-ta Maintenance Console
Hello everyone. I am working with a KX-TA 824 Hybrid System and am using the KX-TA Maintenance Console to program it. There are 3 CO's, and currently, if no lines are being used, they pick up in the order of 3, 2, 1. I need to change that so it picks up in order 1, 2, 3. I can't seem to find the place in the maintenance console where I can do that. Great Doctrines Of The Bible Lloyd Jones Pdf Reader. Anyone know where that setting is or know another solution? Thanks for your help!
RE: KX-TA824 Maintenance Console Help (TechnicalUser) 2 Feb 13 12:49. Hey everyone! Thanks for all of your replies! I really appreciate it. So it is looking like there might be a way to change it in software as otoni54 mentioned. Resident Evil 3 Psx Iso Free Download.
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I would like to go that route if I can. I am a computer technician trying to get into the phone world and don't want to create any havoc for my customers if I can avoid it. The root of the problem is that the fax is on line 3 and if a customer returns a call on the number that called them (line 3 since it was picked up first), then they get the fax machine tones from time to time. Maybe I am going about it the wrong way. What are your thoughts?
Thanks again! RE: KX-TA824 Maintenance Console Help (TechnicalUser) 7 Feb 13 10:41.
I imagine you would like to prioritize the other lines (excluding FAX line)for calling out so that the FAX line is ceased last in Outgoing Line Preference list. In this case, when you call out the customer calls back on the non-FAX line used to call them.If this is your scenario, unless you don't have many outgoing calls it will happen when the other two are busy and somebody attempts to make an outgoing call the third line (FAX Line) will be ceased and the corresponding customer will call back on that line. Would you like to continue making outgoing calls with the FAX Line? Is the FAX connected to an extension? Did you list your FAX number as telephone number? If this does not represent your intention, make it clearer. RE: KX-TA824 Maintenance Console Help (Vendor) 7 Feb 13 15:28.
It feels like we are getting close to a solution for this! Otoni54: Here are my answers to you. Altec Lansing Acs 160 Manually there. Yes, the fax line needs to be available to make outgoing calls since people are on calls 3 at a time on certain occasions. I may be too much of a newb to answer this correctly, but the fax line is line 3 and is used as a phone as well. The Fax number is listed as the fax number.
Customers get it from the calls they receive from the office. Which is the whole problem. Dalavar01: It sounds like you may have an easy fix. Do you know where in the Maintenance Console I would go to change the trunk groups?
I am still getting the hang of this software. RE: KX-TA824 Maintenance Console Help (Vendor) 8 Feb 13 11:44.