Hadoop Installation On Windows Tutorial

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Hadoop Installation On Windows TutorialHadoop Installation On Windows Tutorial

It is really hard to understand and debug Hadoop programs. One way to make it a little easier is to have a simplified version of the Hadoop cluster that runs locally on the developer's machine. This tutorial describes how to set up such a cluster on a computer running Microsoft Windows. Prestigio Geovision 7777 Руководство. It also describes how to integrate this. Apr 16, 2014. Complete Guide Building Your Home Brewery Pdf Viewer. Hadoop 2.3 for Windows 7/8/8.1 - Specifically Builded for Windows x64. I built Hadoop 2.3 for windows x64 with the help of steps provided by Abhijit Ghosh from Hide Shrink Copy Code.

Step 2). Configure SSH In order to manage nodes in a cluster, Hadoop require SSH access First, switch user, enter following command su - hduser_ This command will create a new key. Ssh-keygen -t rsa -P ' Enable SSH access to local machine using this key.

Cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >>$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys Now test SSH setup by connecting to locahost as 'hduser' user. Ssh localhost Note: Please note, if you see below error in response to 'ssh localhost', then there is a possibility that SSH is not available on this system- To resolve this. Sudo chown -R hduser_:hadoop_ hadoop Step 4) Modify ~/.bashrc file Add following lines to end of file ~/.bashrc #Set HADOOP_HOME export HADOOP_HOME= #Set JAVA_HOME export JAVA_HOME= # Add bin/ directory of Hadoop to PATH export PATH=$PATH:$HADOOP_HOME/bin Now, source this environment configuration using below command.