Dsc Power 832 Pc5010 Master Code Reset
Hi There, I'm another sap who just moved into a house and I do not have the master code for my system. My system is - DSC 832, and I have a 5501Z keypad. So if I understand right, I should cross my fingers a pray that the installer did not change the installer code? I should enter *8 5010, and hope to hear several quick beeps.
How do I change the master code? Professione Assassino Ita HD. Otherwise, if I enter *8 5010 and hear a single, long tone, then I don't know the installer code, and I'm raelly screwed. Except to reset the entire system, in which case I probably have to reprogram everything? Free Port Royale 2 Download Full Version there. And I'm only guessing that I'm probably too stupid to figure that out. Any other options?
If you are lucky, the installer code is still at the factory default. Try this: *8 5010 If the keypad beeps rapidly and Program light flashes, you are in luck and you will be able to do this the easy way. Just press # until the program light goes out and let us know so we can help you with the next step. If that doesn't work, then short of a lucky guess at the installer code, then all you can do with this alarm control is try to default it and program every thing from scratch.
Read through the FAQ sticky, for this forum, and the installer/programming manual.
Oct 31, 2003. I just bought a new (for me, 5 year old) house with a dsc power 832 alarm >system. >the prior monitoring company refuses to give me the installer code, and the >sytem is locked and cant be reset. They want to either monitor the system >or charge me to reset the installer code so that it can be used.. IGM on DSC Cheat Sheet. Compatible DSC Panels: PC580 (Power 432). PC5020 (Power 864). PC1555 (Power 632). PC1555MX (Power 632). PC5010 (Power 832). PC5015 (Power 832). 1) Using the system's Installer Code: a) Disable the Communicator ([380]:[1]) b) Disable the Telephone. Hi There,I'm another sap who just moved into a house and I do not have the master code for my system. My system is - DSC 832, and I have a 5501Z keypad. So if I understand right, I should cross my fingers a pray that the installer did not change the installer code?I should enter *8 5010, and hope to hear. PowerSeries – Reset Panel to Factory Default. Panels: PC580 (Power432), PC1555 (Power632), PC5010 (Power832), PC5020 (Power864). Overview: Any PowerSeries panel can be defaulted, provided installer's lockout is not enabled. There are two ways to default the panel: a software default and a hardware default.