Cetus Compiler Installation Art
We use all SPEC C programs2 except 176.gcc, which the Cetus compiler cannot properly compile. All the experiments are run on a DELL. Known bug localization techniques. 2 164.gzip, 175.vpr, 177.mesa, 179.art, 181.mcf, 183.equake, 186.crafty, 188.ammp, 197.parser, 254.gap, 255.vortex, 256.bzip2, and 300.twolf The. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 EQUAKE ART ART 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 train ref train ref (a) (b) Serial Cetus Parallel CE(combined elimination) Window Tuned Hand Parallel Serial Cetus Parallel CE(combined elimination) Window Tuned Hand Parallel Fig. Tuning results for SPEC OMP2001 benchmarks using icc compiler. Training is performed.
Chapter 1. Introduction Parallelizing compiler technology is most mature for the Fortran 77 language. The simplicity of the language without pointers or user-defined types makes it easy to analyze and to develop many advanced compiler passes. By contrast, parallelization technology for modern languages, such as Java, C++, or even C, is still in its infancy. When trying to engage in such research, we were faced with a serious challenge. We were unable to find a parallelizing compiler infrastructure that supports interprocedural analysis, exhibits state-of-the-art software engineering techniques to achieve shorter development time, and which would allow us to compile large, realistic applications. However, we feel these properties are of paramount importance. They enable a compiler writer to develop 'production strength' passes.
Production strength passes, in turn, can work in the context of the most up-to-date compiler technology and lead to compiler research that can be evaluated with full suites of realistic applications. Many people have observed and criticized the lack of such thorough evaluations in current research papers. The availability of an easy-to-use compiler infrastructure would help improve this situation significantly. Hence, continuous research and development in this area are among the most important tasks of the compiler community. Cetus contributes to this effort. GCC GCC is one of the most robust compiler infrastructures available to the research community. GCC generates highly-optimized code for a variety of architectures, which rivals in many cases the quality generated by the machine vendor's compiler.
Its open-source distribution and continuous updates make it attractive. However, GCC was not designed for source-to-source transformations. Most of its passes operate on the lower-level RTL representation.
Only recent versions of GCC (version 3.0 onward) include an actual syntax tree representation, which has been used in Purdue class projects for implementing a number of compiler passes. Other limitations are GCC compiles one source file at a time, performs separate analysis of procedures, and requires extensive modification to support interprocedural analysis across multiple files. The most difficult problem faced by the students was that GCC does not provide a friendly API for pass writers. The API consists largely of macros. Passes need to be written in C and operations lack logical grouping (classes, namespaces, etc), as would be expected from a compiler developed in an object-oriented language. GCC's IR has an ad-hoc type system, which is not reflected in its implementation language (C). Capitalism 2 Iso Download here. The type system is encoded into integers that must be decoded and manipulated by applying a series of macros.
It is difficult to determine the purpose of fields in the IR from looking at the source code, since in general every field is represented by the same type. This also makes it difficult for debuggers to provide meaningful information to the user. Documentation for GCC is abundant. Free Download Video Karaoke Mp4.
The difficulty is that the sheer amount easily overwhelms the user. Generally, we have found that there is a very steep learning curve in modifying GCC, with a big time investment to implement even trivial transformations. The above difficulties were considered primarily responsible for the students that used GCC proceeding more slowly than those creating a new compiler design. The demonstrated higher efficiency of implementation was the ultimate reason for the decision to pursue the full design of Cetus.