Basic Accounting 1 Tutorial Second Edition
Hi, I have just completed AAT level 2 and have the entire set of Osbourne tutorials & workbooks here for sale if anyone would like them? They are in good condition. The set includes: Basic Accounting 1 Tutorial second edition (RRP 17.00) Basic Accounting 1 Workbook second edition (RRP 10.00) Basic Accounting 2 Tutorial second edition (RRP 17.00) Basic Accounting 2 Workbook second edition (RRP 10.00) Basic Costing Tutorial (RRP 17.00) Basic Costing Workbook (RRP 10.00) Computerised Accounting Tutorial second edition (RRP 17.00) Work Effectively in Accounting Tutorial (RRP 17.00) If anyone is interested then please feel free to email me an offer to Thanks.
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