Arduino Serial Print To Excel
Secret Arduino Voltmeter – Measure Battery Voltage - A little known feature of Arduinos and many other AVR chips is the ability to measure the internal 1.1 volt. Zte Ax226 Wimax Usb Modem Driver.
For this you will need: -Windows (tested on xp) -Arduino IDE -Microsoft office (tested on 2010) -PLX-DAQ (expansion for excel) -Arduino (tested on UNO, but any board should work) I am assuming that you’ve already got an Arduino, Windows, Arduino IDE and Excel. Here’s the link to download PLX-DAQ: You only need to download and install it, it should work fine. After installation, it will automatically create a folder named PLX-DAQ on your Desktop in which you will find a shortcut named PLX-DAQ Spreadsheet. When you want to use your Arduino to send data to excel, just open up the shortcut. Step 2: Arduino Part. Of course PLX-DAQ has more functions, which you can explore on your own by reading the instructions in the rar folder that you downloaded.