Arachnoiditis The Silent Epidemic Pdf To Jpg

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Arachnoiditis The Silent Epidemic Pdf To Jpg

Santa Rosa Beach, Florida (Saturday, July 1, 2000) – J. Su Podium V2 Free Download Mac. Antonio Aldrete, M.D., M.S., in collaboration with FutureMed Publishers and the Arachnoiditis Foundation, Inc. Announces the publication of his book Arachnoiditis: The Silent Epidemic, which is the first book that comprehensively covers the dreadful disease of arachnoiditis.

This 25-chapter, 339-page book offers rare insight into each stage of arachnoiditis, includes 133 photographs and illustrations, and contains an enormous wealth of information which would benefit all patients who suffer from arachnoiditis plus a multitude of specialists from orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, radiologists, anesthesiologists, and neurosurgeons, to physiatrists, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, medical libraries, pain clinics, HMO's, etc. Also included are extensive clinical observations in patients with arachnoiditis including clinical and radiological diagnosis, tabulation of symptoms, and assessment of the effectiveness of different therapeutic approaches to arachnoiditis.

If you would like to purchase 'Arachnoiditis: The Silent Epidemic' Special price for Arachnoiditis sufferers is now $25.00. Price for healthcare providers and attorneys is $50.00. Shipping and handling is $4.50. Following is the table of contents of Dr. Aldrete's newly-published book “ ARACHNOIDITIS: THE SILENT EPIDEMIC,” which describes the concepts expressed in this website in-depth with a supportive medical bibliography: I. PREFACE A brief introduction on the humane aspects of arachnoiditis, the personal involvement with patients affected by it, and the aims as well as the objectives for writing this book. Historical perspective A perspective of the disease with its predominant symptom—unrelenting, severe pain—is formed as brief information, followed by a sequence of the earliest medical descriptions (since 1863), and the medical trends that made it into an iatrogenic disease are discussed.

Anatomopathology Includes a description of the normal meninges and the pathological lesions (gross and microscopic) seen in the various forms of arachnoiditis (ARC). Pain Transmission & modulation In this chapter, an attempt to define the pain pathways and spinal cord receptors involved in the various types as well as other symptoms found in patients with ARC. INFECTIONS: At first, the earlier cases of ARC were caused by syphilis, tuberculosis, meningitis, influenza, etc. Lately, echinoccocus, cryptococcus, and the AIDS virus have been the most frequent origin of it. MYELOGRAPHY: Reviews how oil-based and also some water-based dyes used for myelography caused innumerable cases of ARC from the 1940’s to the 1990’s. BLOOD IN THE INTRATHECAL SPACE: Under certain circumstances, blood in the subarachnoid space acts as a chemically-irritant factor producing ARC.

ANESTHETIC SUBSTANCES IN THE SPINE: High concentrations of anesthetic substances or prolonged exposure of neural tissue to lower concentrations, as well as direct trauma to spinal cord or nerve roots during injection produce a variety of lesions varying from cauda equina, radiculitis, transient nerve root irritation, etc., some of which end up in ARC. SPINAL SURGICAL INTERVENTIONS: Surgical interventions of the spine appear to leave a higher than expected incidence of ARC (between 15 and 20%) due to the entry of blood into the subarachnoid space through inadvertent rents or recognized tears of the dural sac.

Rightmark Cpu Clock Utility Windows 7 64 Bit Download. Pseudomeningoceles, leaks of CSF, epidural abscesses or postoperative hemorrhage are surgical complications that frequently ensue in ARC. EtiologY (cont) F. CORTICOSTEROIDS: Corticosteroids have been the subject of great debate as to causative agents of ARC, while at the same time being the optimal anti-inflammatory medication.

The controversy going on for nearly 30 years is put to rest in this chapter, as it defines the concentration of the preservatives contained in the various preparations of steroids as the culprits, and emphasizes the indications for corticosteroids in the inflammatory and the proliferative phases of ARC. TRAUMA: Trauma of the spine is identified as a possible cause of ARC, especially when there is considerable hemorrhage in the subarachnoid space as well as spinal cord and/or nerve root injury. Emphasis is placed on the opportune early use of corticosteroids in reducing subsequent neurologic deficit. Other Forms of Arachnoiditis A. OBLITERATIVE ARACHNOIDITIS: Obliterating forms include Arachnoiditis Ossificans and Pachymeningitis, which are extreme presentations of ARC.